Tracey's Story
I'm Tracey and I am the founder of Curly Hair Girl.
Why create a product line for curly hair?. As a Curly Hair Girl, you understand the frustrations that can come along with being born with natural waves. In my twenties and thirties I hated having curly hair, I found wearing my natural curls was harder to maintain on a daily basis than it was to straighten my hair. I found I could straighten my hair and have worry free hair days until my next wash. Wearing my curls naturally meant, on a great day, a product would hold my curls ok, but I still had frizz to deal with and once I went to bed that night, I woke up with my curls living a life of their own! my hair was always dry and every morning before work I would be spending a great deal of time trying to fix it and most often than not reached for a scrunchie!.
I used to dream of having naturally straight hair all while over the years receiving many compliments from other women about how gorgeous my hair was, (usually by a straight hair girl), who would say they wished they were born with curly locks. Typical, the straight hair ladies wished for curly wavy hair, while my myself, and my curly hair friends would wish for straight hair.
When I had blond hair, when I'm naturally moussy brown, the constant chemicals, & straitening had done so much damage to my hair, so it was always dry and prone to breakage and split ends.
So move forward to today, I'm in my forties, and I have found I now want to move to a simpler & environmentally friendly life style, in all aspects from my household rubbish right through to my hair care. I ditched the blond hair and grew that out. That in itself helped my hair a little in maintaining it's moisture and health. I have also gained extra time as I decided no more straightening for me. I used to much longer hair which straightening take a process of an hour. I've now cut my hair a little shorter & I decided to give my curls the love they deserve & have committed to 100% love my curls and let them loose everyday,
So, that was all great, but the products I had in my bathroom were not delivering. I went to the hairdresser several times and asked for products for my curly hair, as my hair was still very dry, I needed moisture and my locks to sit tight. I spent hundreds of dollars at a time & Nothing!, until I read up on THE NO POO method. If you haven't heard of the NO POO method, there are a few concepts out there, but for me I basically ditched shampoo.
WOW, what a difference I seen really quickly. Why?, My research on the NO POO method was basically that shampoo is not a friend of curly hair. It strips away the natural oils that the hair has built up between washes and dries out the hair. I was using a tonne of Conditioner, using 2 bottles of conditioner to 1 bottle of shampoo! So my method of washing turned to eliminating Shampoo. I still use Shampoo but only every 4 washes, or if I have a lot product build up, then I also shampoo and condition. I changed to only using a hair mask in the shower, popping it in my hair when I first get in the shower, and washing it our at the end. Then once out of the shower, I pop on my absorbent hair towel, and when ready to style my hair, gently srunch my hair dry, then apply my styling/hydration products. I let my hair dry naturally, but if I need to go out, I will gently blow dry it off a little but try to avoid it. I sleep with a cotton hair wrap if I need my curls to stay nice and together for the next day. This extends the life of my curls. There are many variations to this method, so we will add blogs to explain this so you can read up on it. It works for me, but it may not be right for you.
So being fed up I decided I wanted to look at making my own products at home. Then decided on making them available for others to try. Starting my business during lock down (while still running my other business , I wanted a ethical business and I wanted to support other Australian businesses, and deliver products to customer's door that were ethical & friendly to our environment.
So, here we are!. We are a new brand , and we are growing, so we will continue to add new exciting products while continuing to develop current products. I hope you also enjoy our accessories range that will help you in loving your own locks. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and feel free to see our page on ETHICAL INGREDIANTS & PACKAGING to read how we source everything we need to make your products.